Supernatural Children's ministry

Listed here are the 32 session titles in the Supernatural Children’s Ministry module, a one-of-a-kind training course to help parents, Sunday School teachers, children’s ministry pastors, and volunteers to know how to mentor and disciple children to become radical followers of Jesus. 


As far as we know, there is not another correspondence training school like the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry.


This is a one-of-a-kind correspondence course that teaches parents and children’s ministers the basics of children’s ministry and our distinctive, which is taking children into the presence of God and equipping them to walk in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.


Kids Are Hungry For The Supernatural


The Supernatural Children’s Ministry module’s exciting life-changing. The go-at-your-own-pace course is available in 25 hours of video teaching. Supernatural Children’s Ministry will radically change how you view children and ministry and parenting to them forever.


Kids today are hungry for the supernatural. These courses will show you how to bring them into their God-given spiritual destiny, which they were born for. The Supernatural Children’s Ministry module is the tool you have been praying for whether you are a parent or a children’s ministry worker.


This online prophetic training is for you, so you will be able to turn around and equip your children to walk in the prophetic, supernatural power of God.



Children’s Ministry Basics

16 Video Sessions

11+ Hours

Supernatural Equipping

11 Video Sessions

10+ Hours

Revolutionary Family Ministry

5 Video Sessions

4+ Hours