Love Defined
By Weyman and Susan Howard
Video Course with Digitial Workbook and Exams
Love Defined, is a 6-hour seminar that defines love as revealed in 1 Corinthians 13. The seminar explores how in our own need, weakness, and failure, we receive this love from God first and then give it away to others in their need, weakness, and failure. This is the life of a disciple, to follow Christ by loving others in the same way we have been loved.
Love Defined is a journey that guides you to experience Christ loving you in your daily life. As you encounter and receive this love, it does the work of transforming your heart and securing you in Christ alone. Then you are challenged to practice giving this love away to others in the same way you have received it. This is the journey of a disciple. Love is the evidence that we have come to know God and that we have relationship with Him. There is no other evidence of intimacy with God – only love.
Weyman & Susan Howard
Weyman and Susan Howard are pastors at Discovery Church in Carlsbad, CA, and are the founders and creators of Love Defined Ministry International. The Love Defined seminar was developed as a result of finding Christ’s love in the midst of their impending divorce and incredibly broken and pain-filled lives; miraculous life came not through magic but through the practice of receiving and giving God’s unfailing love. Like many, Weyman and Susan were raised in the church but were never discipled to receive God’s Love or clearly taught how to give it away to others. This basic neglect of Christianity’s premier goal: To love God and to love others, led to a religious, busy life with good intentions but ultimately could not give them the power they needed to overcome life’s great troubles or even sin. The Father, who loves his children, met them in their despairing lives and challenged them to follow Him. Obedience to Love empowered them to confront their broken and sinful lives, and discover the miraculous power of Christ to heal and restore them. Love gave them the courage to face adultery, betrayal, sexual abuse, pornography, murder, and even the rejection of the church. When no one stood beside them with a word of hope, the Father tenderly met them and called them to Himself. Their story, of miraculous life, is an invitation from the Father to anyone who will dare to follow Him into radical life.
Endorsement by Dr. Berin Gilfillan
Weyman Howard on Love Defined
Love Defined
- Practice (22:13)
- Receive Patience (29:01)
- Give Patience (47:32)
- Receive Kindess (28:18)
- Give Kindess (40:34)
- Receive Bears All Things (26:47)
- Give Bears All Things (39:36)
- Receive Believes All Things (28:02)
- Give Believes All Things (37:50)
- Receive Hopes All Things (25:55)
- Give Hopes All Things (29:33)
- Endures All Things (32:32)
What Others are Saying
I did not know how much Religious Striving I was serving until I began LoveWorks. Love is exposing my heart and setting it free!”
– Nick
Love Defined connected me to Christ’s love and freed me from the fear of man.”
– Lisa
God told me to stop discipling men after 15 years because I was doing it wrong. I was teaching processes but did not actually love the men. LoveWorks is teaching me how to make disciples by loving them.”
– Pastor
This is the Kingdom of God – to know the Love of Christ and how to give it away.”
– James
Love Defined restored my marriage from divorce and gave us new hope with actual practical steps.”
– Niels and Eva