miracle living
In this module, you will become a more powerful, miracle-working, child of God! You well have the spiritual tools you need to fulfill your destiny!
The demand for more revelation teaching from Dr. A.L. Gill, lovingly referred to as “Papa Gill,” has been enormous – and now you get an entire module taught in Papa Gill’s vintage supernaturally-natural style.
This module can be used toward a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
5 Courses
32 Sessions
18 hours
New Creation Image
Dr. A.L. Gill
6 Sessions
3 hr 30 min
Discover who you were purposed to be as God’s “New Creation!” This revelation will release you from defeating thoughts of inadequacy, inferiority, guilt, and condemnation! You will be conformed to the image of Jesus! With your true “New Creation Identity” you will find yourself declaring confidently: “I am what He says I am!” “I can do what He says I can do!” and “I can have what He says I can have!”
Authority of the Believer
Dr. A.L. Gill
8 Sessions
4 hr 39 min
Beginning with the fall of Lucifer in eternity past God revealed His creative purpose for mankind when He said: “Let them have dominion!” You will begin walking in a new victorious boldness and authority over Satan and demon powers in your daily life and ministry! You will learn how to stop losing and start winning every battle of life.
Becoming Worshipers of God
Dr. A.L. Gill
5 Sessions
2 hr 43 min
This powerful study reveals God’s eternal purpose for praise and worship. You will discover and experience the thrilling, Biblical expressions of high praise and intimate worship in your daily life and walk with the Lord. And in times when you come together with others, who like yourself, have a passionate love for the Lord, you will experience the overwhelming joy of abiding in His presence. And it is there that you really get to know God. It is there as you linger in His presence that you will be changed from glory to glory.
Prayer: Bringing Heaven to Earth
Dr. A.L. Gill
5 Sessions
2 hr 49 min
This revelation will change your prayer-life as you discover, learn and experience how to release God’s power, authority, and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. You will learn how to pray as Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. You will learn how to hear from God in “listening prayer” and then how to bring His will and forcibly advance the Kingdom of God and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Through intercession, speaking the Word, prayers of faith and agreement, you will experience the life- changing joy, victory and kingdom advancement through prayer in your life and in the lives of others.
God’s Provision for Healing
Dr. A.L. Gill
8 Sessions
5 hr 9 min
Jesus healed the sick everywhere He went, and He said it was His will above all things that we would prosper and be in health. Jesus also said, “The works I do, you shall do also!” And then as He was leaving this world to go back to His Father, He gave His final commandment to His followers. One of those commandments was “You shall lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover.”
Through this powerful, exciting, life-changing course you will learn how you can receive healing in your own body and walk in divine health. You will also learn how you, as a spirit-filled believer, can effectively minister the healing power of God, letting it flow into others who need healing.