Lindsay Willis

Lindsay Willis is a pastor, motivational speaker, and marketing research consultant. Since 2013, she has served as a pastor at River Valley Church in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. For 29 years, she worked in marketing, research, and sales. She brings her strategic marketing insight and planning skills experience to her faith, making for a remarkable combination. She is passionate about improving the customer experience and designing successful products and services using the voice of the customer, especially in B2B, financial services, healthcare, and technology sectors. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an Emphasis in Marketing.

Course Description

Though it may not be common in some cultures, single women have a special place in the kingdom of God. Learn how God wants to use single women to live lives of influence. Through God, we can all live freely and fulfill the call that God has for us.

Module 1 Being Single and Happy
Session 1 The Importance of Single Women in the Kingdom  
Session 2 Living Single and Fulfilled  
Session 3 Being Single and Happy Exam