Dr. Fernando Guillen

Fernando Guillen is a Brazilian apostle, publisher, author, and businessman. He is the founder of Global Action Integrated Center, an apostolic center in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais,  Brazil. He is an apostle with the Apostolic Network of Harvest International Ministries, under Dr. Ché Ahn, Global Spheres, under Dr. Chuck Pierce, and the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders, under Dr. John Kelly. He is also the Wagner Institute Chancellor for Latin America. He owns multiple companies, including Digi7, a marketing agency, and Seven Mountains House Publishing. He is the author of the bestsellers Jezebel, the Lady of the Ring, and Seven Hills.

Course Description

Did you know that you already have the best product to sell? Your story can make a difference to sell information through wrtitten form, audio downloads, videos streaming, webinars, or life-coaching. In this course, Fernando Guillen will show you the exact path to repeating his success for yourself and make up to $100,000 a year!

Module 1 Using Today's Technology for Kingdom Business
Session 1 Using Today's Technology for Kingdom Business  
Session 2 Using Today's Technology for Kingdom Business Exam